The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child's own natural desire to learn -
Maria Montessori
A Typical Day at Preschool
A Typical Day at Preschool
This is the start of our day, the children will arrive and the preschool and will do self registration and then go and play.
At around this time, we will sit down, say good morning to all our friends, talk about the weather and practice this weeks Makaton sign. We will then wash our hands and sit down for snack. We either do group snack, where we all sit together and eat, or rolling snack, where there is more freedom to come and eat when ready.
Around this time, we have mostly all finished snack and gone back to playing. This play will either be free playing, the children choosing what they want to play with, or adult led, where we will set up activities and assist the children in doing them, such as arts and crafts or more structured activities.. Any activities we partake in are based on the children's developmental needs. and interests.
At approximately this time we will begin to tidy up and then sit down to either listen to a story, have music time or do some physical activity.
This is the end of the morning session, some children will go home and the rest of us will sit down and eat our lunch.
The afternoon follows a similar timetable, finishing at 2:45pm.
On occasion we may decide to take the children on walks in the local area. Sometimes we have the library or sensory buses in, this usually occurs twice a term. We also sometimes arrange visitors from the police, firefighters and other people of interest. For example, we have had Tom's Talking Reptiles in to visit us in the past.